“The recording and analysis of a person’s characteristics, so as to assess or predict their capabilities in a certain sphere.”
Athlete profiling is the process of gathering and recording specific information relevant to key components, and is used to determine the athlete’s current performance level and areas of weakness in relation to the 5 pillars of need. Athlete Performance Profiling is the process of the gymnast and coach recording their perceptions of how a gymnast is performing in various factors deemed key to high level performance, and is useful to gain an insight and highlight any differences between coach/gymnast perception. Athlete Profiling is the process of testing various performance affecting factors and recording the results to determine areas of strength and weakness. Both processes should be undertake at the beginning of a training phase and used to inform planning and direct training, and also serve as a means of monitoring a gymnast’s progress and the effectiveness of the training plan.
Athlete Performance Profiling can be implemented using the following steps;
Athlete Performance Profiling
It is widely accepted that asking athletes (of appropriate maturity and experience) profile themselves brings a number of additional benefits, such as;